Peepshow Project

Peepshow Project – The Raree Man’s Peepshow

Arts Council England Lottery Funded logo
The Raree Man

Like Uncle Tacko’s Flea Circus and The Imaginarium  this is the next brilliantly bonkers and highly entertaining project to explore historical forms in contemporary contexts.

This project from Promenade Promotions. The initial R&D phase was funded by an Arts Council England  Grant for the Arts grant, with support from the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum, The Northcott Theatre Exeter, Exeter University and Exeter Unexpected Festival.

Promenade Promotions has recreated the pre-cinematic  entertainments of the 18th and 19thcenturies for both amusement and education in a wondering age. The Raree Man’s Peepshow has been brought into the 21st century.

It was developed in 2015 and had great shows

Here are historical image of the Raree Man and photos about how we made the Raree Man.

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