Prom-Prom delivers a range of practical workshops related to the material we produce.
We can also provide extended workshops or residencies on a variety of themes tailored to your needs.
Puppetry workshop

In this 45 minute to 1 hour workshop, Uncle Tacko! shows you the basics of animation with different styles of puppet – glove puppets, finger puppets, even mechanical puppets. A hands-on and hands-in experience! This is suitable for anyone who wants to try-out different puppets. For families and children aged 6+. Maximum of 20 per session.
Slapstick workshops
with Uncle Tacko! & Nephew Spike Bones

Uncle Tacko! & his boy ‘Sergeant Spike’ show you how to bash your brother or sister without hurting them! A practical, participatory workshop, with demonstrations and a chance to have a go yourself. All equipment such as planks, rubber mallets, frying pans and things that go “boing!” provided – you just need a towel for the custard pie routine! A 1 hour workshop, ideal for groups of up to 20, aged 11+
Street Theatre workshop

Suitable for older children (aged 16+), this practical workshop is designed to provide a start in how to perform outdoors to the general public. It is a 2 hour session, the last part of which is performing to the general public!