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GeoQuest. 2010 -2014

A journey of exploration through the English Riveria Global Geopark.

The English Riviera Global Geopark GeoQuest was performed and enacted between the 25th and the 31st of May, 2010.

Extract from a report

“The feedback (immediate and later by emails, conversations and letters to the press) from audiences and participants was very positive. People were clearly engaged by the ‘different’ and often unexpected way of encountering the (often familiar) landscape. Many who were not engaged in thinking about the Torbay geology were surprised by the interest they began to feel in the rocks around them. And the idea of a Quest journey seemed to capture many people’s imaginations, and many expressed enjoyment in having a sense of having joined in and shared in the Quest journey (through eating together, through walking together with the Geotrio)…. Our aim is to continue developing The Geoquest over the next years in Torbay“

Read the Report on The Torbay GeoQuest 2010 (pdf)

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