The Judy Project
The The Judy Project websiteÂ
Tony has been working with Dr Alissa Mello on The Judy Project.
The Judy Project is a three-year transhistorical study of women practitioners, female gender and its representations in Punch and Judy from the 18th century to the present day. It investigates who these women are, what they have contributed, how they have shaped this iconic English tradition, and how meaning and gender, that are embedded in the performance, have evolved relative to social and cultural shifts over time. The suite of project outputs planned include publications, development of new shows, and a website
This research project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101020076 and The Society for Theatre Research. The shows received additional support from the University of Exeter’s Public Engagement with Research fund and the Being Human Festival, the UK’s national festival of the humanities, that took place 7–16 November 2024. Led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, with generous support from Research England, in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. For further information please see The research is being implemented at the University of Exeter in the Department of Drama.
Spike “Bones” Lidington Punch & Judy, like none you have seen before! Watch Ms Judy take centre stage as she navigates Mr Punch’s shenanigans, police harassment and questions their 360-year relationship. Giggle along as the Devil and their right-hand Croc (Dorothy) try to take Mr Punch and Ms Judy down to hell, but they are thwarted in the end, leaving everything fine beside the seaside.