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Promoting Dr Lidington

Dr Tony Lidington – television showreel (LowRes) from Uncle Tacko on Vimeo

Tony Lidington has regularly presented on both television and radio for the past 10 years – his work has been critically-acclaimed and publicly well-received on mainstream, high-profile shows such as “Who Do You Think You Are?”, “Inside the Factory “ and Radio 4’s “Archive Hour”. He is a leading expert on the history of British popular entertainment, as well as being an able and engaging presenter for the film.

He is a freelance research worker and practitioner, based in the Drama Department at the University of Exeter. Tony travels all over the country, presenting and embodying areas of interest such as seasides, music hall, minstrelsy, busking, fairgrounds, circuses and street performance, for both the general public and academics in accessible and  informative ways.

For further information, contact Tony here:

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