‘The Raree Man’s Peepshow’ is Tony Lidington’s latest venture into the world of historical, nonsensical popular entertainments: like ‘Uncle Tacko’s Flea Circus’ and ‘The Imaginarium’ this is the next brilliantly bonkers and highly entertaining project to explore historical forms in contemporary contexts. Promenade Promotions has teamed up with Northcott Theatre, Exeter University and The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum to recreate the pre-cinematic entertainments of the 18th and 19th centuries: peepshows were for both amusement and education in a wondering age. The Raree Man’s Peepshow has been brought into the 21st century, with the use of digital multimedia combined with traditional skills of puppetry, storytelling and and showmanship. ‘Peepers’ can peep once, twice or indeed three times or just immerse themselves in The Raree Man’s unique and mad-cap tales. Watch this space!